From October 10th – 12th a group of young singers and composers from the Purcell School’s Commonwealth team travelled to Kent to work with inexperienced but enthusiastic young singers from the Apollo Youth Choir and the Bermondsey Harris Academy who were keen to write and sing their own songs. 

The idea of this project was to create some new material for the recently re-developed Commonwealth Festival Choir. The choir will be singing some of these songs in Westminster Abbey as part of Commonwealth Observance Day 2015, in which the Commonwealth Resounds will be strongly featured as it celebrates its 10th Anniversary. 

All-in-all, 12 new songs were composed by young people in a single day, all of which were commendable and some of which were excellent.Three of these songs will be orchestrated by more experienced young composer/orchestrators to be accompanied by the Commonwealth Festival Orchestra in Westminster Abbey on March 9th 2015.

The special theme for this year’s Commonwealth Observance Day is ‘A Young Commonwealth’. This lovely project will fit this theme admirably. To read more about it, click here