Updates and News from the CHoGM 2018 UK project

Find the latest information from our activities around CHoGM here
National Youth Choir of Antigua and Barbuda in the UK!

National Youth Choir of Antigua and Barbuda in the UK!

On Thursday June 28th, The Commonwealth Resounds (TCR) was very proud to welcome the National Youth Choir of Antigua and Barbuda to Hertfordshire. Alison Cox, TCR's Founder and Chair of Trustees worked closely with Karen-Mae Hill, The High Commissioner of Antigua and...

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Sound, Image, Movement – The Commonwealth

TCR's Commonwealth celebrations for CHOGM 2018 came to a spectacular conclusion at St James's Church, Piccadilly on Friday 20th April, hosted by TCR itself in collaboration with the Purcell School and many musical partners from all over the Commonwealth! The young...

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Commonwealth Young Musicians’ Concert

Commonwealth Young Musicians’ Concert

On Thursday April 19th, The Commonwealth Resounds hosted a wonderful Commonwealth Young Musicians' Concert in partnership with the Royal Society of St George and London Rotary. This very special concert took place at St George's, Hanover Square in the presence of the...

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A New Award for Cultural Enterprise!

On Wednesday April 18th, The Commonwealth Resounds was delighted to be able to collaborate with Arif Zaman, Executive Director of the Commonwealth Businesswomen's Network, and create a new award for women in the arts called The Commonwealth Cultural Enterprise Award...

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The world’s first Commonwealth Music Forum

The world’s first Commonwealth Music Forum

On Tuesday 17th April 2018 between 2 and 6 p.m., The Commonwealth Resounds, in association with the Royal Over-Seas League, ran what we understand to be the first-ever Commonwealth Music Forum at ROSL’s beautiful Princess Alexandra Hall. Distinguished speakers,...

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Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting – London 2018

Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting – London 2018

The Commonwealth Resounds ran an ambitious, exciting programme of musical activities during CHOGM week (16 th - 20 th April 2018) and received many accolades from those who attended the performances and events. The Meeting of the CHOGM Forums – Tuesday 17th April The...

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Commonwealth Music Forum

Commonwealth Music Forum

We invite you to join us on Tuesday 17th April for an afternoon of musical lectures, presentations and discussion groups, interspersed with short performances by an outstanding cross-cultural recorder group Parandrus and other Commonwealth musicians at the Princess...

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Commonwealth Young Musicians’ Concert

Commonwealth Young Musicians’ Concert

Thursday 19th April 2018, 7:30pm St George's, Hanover Square A dazzling concert featuring the Commonwealth Festival Orchestra and Choir, The Purcell School’s pupil-led ensemble ‘Philomel’ and musicians from the Divine Symphony Orchestra, Nigeria. Supporting victims of...

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Sound, Image, Movement – The Commonwealth

Sound, Image, Movement – The Commonwealth

7:30pm, Friday 20th April 2018, 7pm St James' Church Piccadilly, The Purcell School for young musicians flagship music tech show is being taken on the road for the first time. The concert will feature spectacularly talented young Commonwealth musicians and composers...

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