Uganda trip 2017 underway!

On Saturday 21 October, an enterprising group of talented young musicians and staff from
The Commonwealth Resounds (TCR) will travel to Uganda to work in schools and orphanages
and collaborating in fundraising concerts with our Ugandan musical partners and friends.

This exciting international project has been organised by TCR Trustees Sarah and Nick Oliver
from Chetham’s School of Music in Manchester.

The Kampala Music School says
“At the Kampala Music School, we aim not to turn away talented, would-be composers and
players despite their financial state. With this in mind, the school needs bursary options to
sustain its program. The forthcoming Commonwealth Resounds Gala Concert on October 29th
aims to raise funds for the music programmes at KMS, including the bursary program”.

Return Visit to Kampala, Uganda!

Return Visit to Kampala, Uganda!

In October 2017 11 students from Chetham’s School of Music plus teachers and TCR co-Directors Nick and Sarah Oliver will be making a trip to Kampala. TCR last visited there in 2007, running an inspirational and creative programme at the time of the CHOGM and this visit will renew some contacts made then and build many new ones. We’re looking forward to collaborating with Kampala Music School, now a much expanded enterprise since our previous visit, and to outreach work with a range of schools, hospitals and other community and cultural organisations.

Our students, who include string, woodwind, brass and keyboard players as well as singers are all busy raising funds for the trip and we’ll keep updates coming as plans are finalised.