Safeguarding & Data Protection

Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy – The Commonwealth Resounds

Health and Safety Policy – The Commonwealth Resounds

Zoom – Data Protection and Security updates

The Commonwealth Resounds asked Zoom to give us full information about their updated online data protection for the purpose of this project. Here is a statement by their Founder and CEO.

Zoom’s latest privacy and security update, dated 10th April 2020

The Commonwealth Resounds is regularly updating its Child Protection, Health and Safety and Data Protection policies.  We shall be using and storing the data collected from young people and adults simply for the purpose and duration of the Go Compose Online project. Data will be stored securely and confidentially during this time and under no circumstances will be shared with any third parties, reproduced nor posted online without specific permission. Young people and adults have the right to withdraw from the project and/or have their data deleted at any time. 

For any queries regarding The Commonwealth Resounds or its policies, please contact